Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What are you doing?

Stop! Right now. What. Are. You. Doing?

Wow, let's stop that, I felt like a telegraph there for a minute (STOP). But the question stands: just what do you think you're doing? I intend this post mainly for people who have stopped developing software/hardware and have taken a break to absorb my acerbic wit. If I stopped you in the middle of enjoying a bowl of ice cream please believe me when I say I did not intend that you should question why you're putting it in your mouth. There's a good reason for that: it's ice cream. Duh.

But to all those coming for some witty banter - fresh from a break from developing the latest microcontroller-inspired widget - let me ask the question again. Just what do you think you're doing?

Probably your answer is going to be 'coding' or something similar. Good. Microcontrollers need code - that's obvious. But let me ask you this: how certain are you that the code you're writing right now is the code that's going to end up inside of that microcontroller when all is said and done? Uh, analysis? Maybe 15% certain I'd say - depending on what point you're at in the design. If you're early on in the design your chances are closer to 1%.

This is not your fault - well, that's a lie. It probably is your fault - but I'm trying not to scare you off. After all, this happens literally to everyone. Everyone. No one goes through a project and doesn't have one of those moments where they realize they have seriously miscalculated the scope of their project, or the simplicity or realized that they forgot about some other major hurdle. Then they end up decimating their code - and not in the literal sense where 90% of it is left after. No, more like 1% is left - and that's probably a header.

I typically see this problem because people don't consider whether their code actually works. They read specs, requirements and other documentation and then write a lot of C code. Or Java, or Python or whatever. It's all the same - almost literally because as I said 99% of it will typically be gone by the end of the project (so it makes little difference what language it's in anyway). Sure, it probably compiles - with only a few dozen warnings (It's all small stuff - it doesn't affect how the program works. Some casting will fix it, it's fine!) but there's no telling whether it actually does what is expected of it because you didn't set up benchmarks, tests or sanity checks on anything. Your development process goes something like this:

Delete 'old' code
Wish that you had used source control because that wasn't old code at all
Cod (not a misprint - you're enjoying fish at this point)
Ode (poetry break)
Blank stare
Blank stare
Delete 99% of code

And let's be honest - if at any point in the design process you stop to think about it you're going to think 'Man, integration is going to be a bitch.' There's no project for which that isn't the case - integration is always difficult. But there's a way to make it easier - don't save integration for last.

Why is it that when you work on something for some reason project management always seems to think that it's their job to keep developers apart for as long as possible? It's probably because the Waterfall Model says that development and integration are two separate phases and one (development) is a prerequisite for the other (integration). So no skipping ahead to integration! What will project management do if not enforce the flawed and ultimately unhelpful vanilla implementation of the Waterfall Model on the poor helpless engineers under its command?

Of course not everyone blindly follows the Waterfall Model, or eXtreme Programming (seriously, the initialism is XP, not EP, so I capitalized the right letter there) - it certainly isn't the case where I work. No, what you need to do is integrate as soon as possible.

A project typically consists of several independent parts which can be integrated and tested without bothering the other parts. Projects usually also consist of several pieces of hardware, code or technology you've never worked with before. Let's be honest - when was the last time the new chip you used followed its own datasheet exactly? And for that matter, when was the last time two engineers working on opposite sides of a communication channel, attending the same meetings, reading the same documentation and potentially being in the same love triangle decided to implement their portions of a project in a compatible fashion? These aren't signs of immature engineers or bad project management or difficult documentation - it's just life. These things happen. The difference between an inexperienced engineer and an experienced one is basically how jaded he/she is. Optimism is not a useful trait when everything is contractually obligated to go wrong.

Given these problems it makes no sense to write literally everything and then go back and make sure it actually works. Here are several suggestions:

Use unit test for complex algorithms to catch rookie mistakes such as off by one errors (we all make them).

Walk over to the other engineers office/cubicle and ask copious amounts of questions. Nine times out of ten on a project the arbiters of what actually gets made are the engineers themselves. Just to get everyone on the same page it helps to ask of your fellows 'So what CRC method are we actually using and how does it work?' Then document it.

If two chips have to talk to each other chances are they will hate each other and refuse to speak. Start early with actual chips and force them to get along as soon as possible.

Abstract away interfaces so you don't have to worry about specifics in unrelated parts of code. You don't have to know whether your serial interface actually works if your application's only method of accessing it is a ring buffer.

Verify all assumptions as soon as possible. Chances are you're wrong (life just hates you like that).

This is hardly an exhaustive list but I think you get the idea. In case you don't get the idea I'll state it as plainly as possible:

Code isn't useful unless it works! Don't sit there with questions, concerns and unverified assumptions but pop out 1K lines of code a day. In a month you'll be left with 500 lines of good code and a looming deadline. Be pragmatic, be wary and be prepared.

Note to anyone who is reading this who may actually know me and/or work with me: I am not vindictive, frustrated or lacking empathy for this situation. Believe me I have been stuck in it plenty of times and it was all my fault. But I will be the last person to berate you and the first person to stick up for you in a meeting or directly to your/our boss. Sure, this may be a rookie mistake but we're certainly all allowed them. If we're not then we have no opportunity to become better engineers.

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