Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tool Vs. Patterns

It's hiring time where I work - mostly new grads. That means lots of confusion. The disparity between what new grads expect and what actually happens in industry is sometimes wide.

For instance, my company might say 'We're looking for people with knowledge of VHDL to program FPGAs'. Plenty of students take a VHDL class or two - so you'd think that'd be a good fit, yes?

Yes... and no. The tool is not the end product. Whatever is made will be made with VHDL, true, but the end product will not materially depend on VHDL being the tool used to create it. In fact you could use Verilog to achieve the same, or even schematic capture. Or even step back a bit: digital logic is fundamentally NAND gates or NOR gates. You can make any digital device from NAND gates - everything from a half adder to an iPod. But you won't get a job anywhere just because you memorized the pinout of an SN7400 IC - the important part is what you're creating moreso than how. Fundamentally, being familiar with common patterns used in your field of choice is the mark of a good developer moreso than a strict adherence to syntax.

I'll illustrate with an anti-example that's more in my line. Let's talk C code. 'But it compiles!' has been long the defensive cry raised from many a young coder to defend their petty messes. Their unspoken assumption is that adherence to syntax is the sole qualification of a good C coder. This is patently untrue and a prime example is the anti-pattern of placing all of your code into main(). We've all done it - in fact it's the first thing you learn in class because they haven't taught you function calls yet. But is it a suggested practice? Not in the slightest. It produces code that's difficult to read, difficult to control (requiring the use of many gotos (warning: considered harmful) and just in general a pain. Of course the proper way to write code is the use of function calls to compartmentalize functionality and efficiently reuse it. The only people who deny this are defensive greenhorns more concerned about compiler errors than writing maintainable, readable and efficient code. Knowing syntax is a necessary condition for being a good programmer/engineer/developer, but certainly not a sufficient condition.

What about a straight example of why you should pay more attention to patterns than syntax? Something that looks awful but is brilliant, effective and clean. I present to you Duff's Device:

send(to, from, count)
register short *to, *from;
register count;
register n=(count+7)/8;
case 0: do{ *to = *from++;
case 7: *to = *from++;
case 6: *to = *from++;
case 5: *to = *from++;
case 4: *to = *from++;
case 3: *to = *from++;
case 2: *to = *from++;
case 1: *to = *from++;

(Code formatting is always iffy on this blog so you'll have to forgive me.)

What manner of insanity is this? It's truly mind-breaking when you first look at it. So much so that when I show it to new grads/students the first words out of their mouths are more often than not 'Well that won't compile'.

And at this point I get an evil, evil smile on my face. They've shown their hand - more concerned with syntax than patterns. I assure them that it does and the response follows 'But it's not right!' Oh but it compiles! So it must be right, no? Oh the joy I have at this point - I've defeated a mere child in a battle of wits (Ok, I'm not a great person). None of them attempt to figure out what's going on - which is sad. Because once you understand the purpose and function of this code you recognize at least two patterns right off:
*to = *from++

This is your basic memory copy with a twist - the destination address isn't incremented. If you're really smart and had a focus on embedded systems you might realize that's because it's meant for a memory-mapped I/O register so the address won't change between writes.

case 0: do{ *to = *from++;
case 7: *to = *from++;
case 6: *to = *from++;
case 5: *to = *from++;
case 4: *to = *from++;
case 3: *to = *from++;
case 2: *to = *from++;
case 1: *to = *from++;

You might recognize this as loop unrolling. Loop unrolling is used to minimize the overhead incurred from jumping around in a loop: instead of doing one thing n times you do four things n/4 times. Useful.

Go ahead and read the full explanation of Duff's Device. If you can follow, you'll see why it's an amazing piece of code and why it vindicates the idea of patterns. Tom Duff understood assembly programming and knew how to implement loop unrolling in it - he was familiar with the pattern. He wanted to do it in C but couldn't think of a straightforward way so he abused the hell out of C syntax to make it work. It makes you want to cry for joy and in pain because it looks like that poor, efficient program is being tortured to death.

This is why patterns are more important than syntax. Patterns are like tools: if you're working too hard, chances are there's tool to help you be lazy. And new engineers usually work way too hard - most often at reinventing the wheel. They'll figure out some complicated method of ensuring single-access to a variable because no one taught them about semaphores. Oops. Patterns help us write efficient and correct code because they are distilled knowledge - the lessons of programmers before us given form. It pays great dividends to know about them.

That's what 'x years of y experience' on a resume means: I know a lot of patterns, I have a lot of tools in my toolbox, I won't make stupid mistakes because I'm past that. If knowing syntax is intelligence then knowing patterns is wisdom (go D&D!). If you don't have both you will never be as awesome a programmer as Tom Duff.

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